This year’s Touch Rugby Junior Inter-Provincial Tournament (IPT) was kickstarted with a R160,000 donation from MotiMoves, business mogul Zunaid Moti’s free online mentorship and business intervention initiative. Moti also contributed an additional 125 backpacks for the players, 13 jerseys for the coaches, and hosted a sit-down dinner for all the members of the Gauteng Touch Association.

“Rugby is one of South Africa’s greatest sports, and I am so excited to see young players develop a love for this game so early on. It’s important that we nurture their passion and allow our youth to get onto the field without any financial concerns holding them back. That’s why I’m proud to be part of an initiative that gives talented players the opportunity to thrive,” says Moti.

By supporting their journey, the MotiMoves sponsorship will enable these players aged from 13 and 19 years old to focus on honing their skills and enjoying the game without being obstructed, or left behind, by financial barriers. This will develop their growth both on and off the field, with sport providing a foundation for important life lessons and personal development.

“Sporting events like this give children the chance to push themselves, have fun, and experience what they’re capable of. It’s about letting them discover their potential and keeping them out of trouble while they learn positive values that will keep them on the right path in the future, both in sport and in life,” Moti adds.

The tournament is set to kick off on Friday, 27 September in Cape Town. In anticipation of the event, the kit handover took place on 22 September at Crawford College in Sandton, where the teams also completed their final practice session.

As an affiliate sport to the South African Rugby Union, touch rugby relies heavily on external funding, such as the MotiMoves sponsorship, to ensure that every player has an opportunity to get out onto the field.

Chris Brownbill, Chairperson of the Gauteng Touch Association adds, “This year we had a significant number of players who needed financial assistance, which put us in a really difficult position because it’s a pay-to-play sport. We were very fortunate that Zunaid Moti and MotiMoves came forward to assist and cover all these players’ expenses. Ultimately, our goal is to make sure that every player who is selected can play, and we thank Zunaid and MotiMoves for paying it forward and giving these players the opportunity of a lifetime.”

The MotiMoves programme has a strong track record for supporting South African sports and charitable initiatives. For example, in sports alone, the programme has previously sponsored the South African Women’s Hockey Team; Emly George, a rising tennis star from Zimbabwe and African Junior Champion; Darren Thomas, a wheelchair powerlifter’s world championship participation; and Norman Eckman, the paraplegic dart player who competed internationally.

Moti plans to continue driving these efforts to make a difference, and will announce upcoming sponsorships, philanthropic projects, and giveaways on his various social media pages.